
Comprehensive Guide to Maize Farming in Kenya: Expert Tips and Insights.

Maize farming is a vital agricultural activity in Kenya, as maize is a staple food and a major cash crop in the country. To help you with maize farming, here is a comprehensive guide that covers expert tips and insights. Let’s dive into the details:

  1. Climate and Soil Requirements:
    • Maize thrives in areas with an altitude of 0-2,500 meters above sea level.
    • The ideal temperature range for maize growth is 20-30°C.
    • Maize requires well-drained soils with a pH level of 5.8-7.0. Loamy and sandy loam soils are suitable.
  2. Land Preparation:
    • Clear the land of any weeds, crop residues, or debris.
    • Plow the land to a depth of 15-20 cm to ensure good root development.
    • Harrow or use a disc to break up clods and create a fine seedbed.
  3. Seed Selection:
    • Choose high-quality seeds that are resistant to pests, diseases, and drought.
    • Consider hybrid maize varieties, as they tend to have higher yields.
    • Purchase seeds from reputable and certified seed suppliers.
  4. Planting:
    • In Kenya , the optimal time for planting maize is during the rainy season this is the most preffered time for most maize farmers .
    • Optimal planting density is around 25,000-35,000 plants per hectare.
    • Plant seeds at a depth of 3-5 cm and space them 75 cm apart in rows.
  5. Fertilizer Application:
    • Conduct a soil test to determine nutrient deficiencies.
    • Apply well-decomposed manure or compost before planting.
    • Use a balanced fertilizer, such as NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), based on soil test recommendations.
    • Apply fertilizer at planting and during the top-dressing stage.
  6. Irrigation:
    • If rainfall is insufficient, consider irrigation to ensure adequate moisture.
    • Irrigate at critical growth stages such as germination, tasseling, and grain filling.
    • Use efficient irrigation methods like drip irrigation or furrow irrigation.
  7. Weed Control:
    • Implement both pre-emergence and post-emergence weed control measures.
    • You can use pre-emergence herbicides before planting to control weeds.
    • After maize emerges, one can perform hand weeding or utilize selective herbicides.
  8. Pest and Disease Management:
    • Monitor for common pests like armyworms, stalk borers, and aphids.
    • Consider integrated pest management (IPM) techniques, including biological control and crop rotation.
    • Common maize diseases in Kenya include maize streak virus, gray leaf spot, and northern leaf blight. Use disease-resistant varieties and practice crop rotation.
  9. Harvesting:
    • Maize is ready for harvest when the husks turn dry and the kernels harden.
    • Test the moisture content of the maize. It should be around 14-15% for safe storage.
    • Harvest by hand or use mechanical harvesters, and store the harvested maize properly.
  10. Post-Harvest Handling:
  • Dry the maize to reduce moisture content and prevent mold growth.
  • Clean the maize to remove dirt, husks, and broken grains.
  • Store maize in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated place to prevent pest infestation and spoilage.

Varieties of Maize Cultivated in Kenya in 2023.

Farmers in Kenya cultivate different varieties of maize (corn). Maize is one of the staple crops in the country and plays a significant role in food security. Kenya grows several popular maize varieties i.e.

H511: This is a high-yielding variety that is resistant to diseases such as maize lethal necrosis (MLN) and Turcicum leaf blight.
It exhibits good drought tolerance and suits both rain-fed and irrigated farming systems.

H614: This variety has gained recognition for its excellent grain quality and its high yield potential. It has good resistance to diseases and pests, including MLN, rust, and leaf blight. H614 is popular among farmers in different agro-ecological zones.

H6213: This is a hybrid variety that exhibits early maturity and good tolerance to drought conditions. It has high yield potential and is resistant to diseases such as MLN and rust.

WH505: This variety is a white maize hybrid that is highly resistant to diseases, including MLN and rust. It has good grain quality and performs well in both high and medium altitude regions of Kenya.

DK8031: Farmers in Kenya widely grow the yellow maize hybrid variety.. It has good tolerance to drought and diseases, making it suitable for various agro-ecological zones. DK8031 produces high-quality grain with good market acceptability.

PH4-20: This variety exhibits early maturity and has a high yield potential.. It has good resistance to diseases, including MLN and rust. PH4-20 is suitable for rain-fed farming and performs well in areas with a short growing season.

KDV1: This is a high-yielding open-pollinated variety (OPV) developed by the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO). It has good drought tolerance and performs well in both low and medium altitude regions.

The process of land Preparation for Maize Farming in Kenya.

The process of land preparation for maize farming in Kenya involves several important steps to ensure optimal conditions for maize growth and maximize crop yields. Here is a general outline of the land preparation process:

Site selection:

Choose a suitable location for maize farming that has good soil fertility, adequate sunlight, proper drainage, and access to water sources for irrigation if needed. The soil should ideally be loamy or sandy loam with a pH level between 5.8 and 7.2.

Clearing the land:

Remove any existing vegetation, including weeds, grass, and crop residues from the previous season. You can do this manually or by using machinery such as tractors or slashers.


Plough the land to break up the soil and incorporate any organic matter or crop residues left on the surface. Ploughing helps to improve soil aeration, drainage, and nutrient availability. It can be done using a tractor or animal-drawn plough.


After ploughing, use a harrow to further break up clods of soil, level the surface, and create a fine seedbed. Harrowing also helps to control weeds by uprooting and burying weed seeds.

Soil testing and amendment:

Take soil samples from different parts of the field and send them to a laboratory for analysis. The soil test results will provide information about the nutrient content and pH level of the soil. Based on the results, you may need to add organic matter (such as compost or manure) or apply fertilizers to correct any nutrient deficiencies.

  1. Fertilizer application: If required based on soil test results, apply fertilizers according to recommended rates and timings. Maize generally requires nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) fertilizers for optimal growth. Incorporate the fertilizers into the soil during land preparation.
  2. Ridging or furrowing: Create ridges or furrows on the prepared seedbed. This helps to conserve moisture, facilitate proper drainage, and provide a suitable planting environment for maize seeds.
  3. Pre-plant weed control: Before planting, it’s important to control weeds to minimize competition with maize plants. This can be done by manual weeding or by using appropriate herbicides, ensuring compliance with recommended safety guidelines.
  4. Planting: Sow the maize seeds in the prepared ridges or furrows at the recommended spacing and depth. Ensure proper seed-to-soil contact for better germination.
  5. Post-planting operations: After planting, you may need to perform additional tasks such as thinning (if the initial seed spacing was too dense), applying herbicides or organic mulches for weed control, and irrigation if necessary.

It’s important to note that the specific land preparation practices can vary depending on factors such as local climate, soil conditions, farming practices, and available resources. Consulting with local agricultural extension services or experienced farmers in your area can provide valuable insights tailored to your specific location and circumstances.

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